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Old 03-30-2015, 03:25 PM   #164
Read? I only know how to write.
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Originally Posted by monster View Post
Easiest option is Denial. Pretend that it doesn't. We all know humans are naturally wired for Denial. it's a great self-defence mechanism. Deny the problem exists, deny abortion is the only solution.
Unfortunately denial does not exist until one is first told what to believe. A majority knew smoking cigarettes increase health. Then got 'Rush Limbaugh' angry a the Surgeon General for reporting that cigarettes kill. A majority knew Saddam had WMDs because a dumb president said so. Then got angy when, for example, the Cellar was full of posts that said why that did not exist.

A majority foolishly plug their computer into a surge protector. When that protector does not claim to protect a computer from destructive surges, when it can make surge damage easier, and when it can even create a fire. A majority deny only because the first thing they were told was bogus. And because they forget that adults need relevant reasons and numbers for why it should be believed.

A friend so loved calling the most religious. They would automatically believe the first thing he told them. And so he made good money promoting telephone scams. His best customers were the most religious.
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