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Old 04-18-2004, 12:03 AM   #37
Expectorant Inspector
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 31
What I regret the most........I regret giving up my dreams for a girl. I promised myself a long, long time ago that I would never let a girl come between me and my dream. But it happened, I feel.... and I feel hard. I got married 3 days after my 18th Birthday. I've been married for 10 years and she decides that she wants to be on her own. During that 10 years, I slowly gave up my dream (career goal) because I decided that I wanted a family and just as we start to plan the family....just as we are going to start the baby machine....she up and leaves. Why, I really don't know. But now, I'm stuck with no dream, no family and no wife. I feel like I've lost everything.

So, in short, I regret falling in love....but I hope I can again....someday.....if she doesn't take the heart in the divorce.

(Sorry, having a bad night)
In the great words of Sean Connery: "Your best, losers are always whinning about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen."
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