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Old 04-25-2015, 09:39 PM   #13
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
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Of course, slightly more intersting (to me) is the Hatton name attached to the area.
It being the surname of the evil ex and all.
It's also connected with the story of Lady Elizabeth Hatton, whose exploits gave their name to Bleeding Heart Yard and the Bleeding Heart Tavern (which may have been the real place Dickens renamed as the Three Cripples in his books).

Lady Elizabeth Hatton is supposed to have made a deal with the Devil to promote her husband in the court of Elizabeth I, the Virgin Queen (the sobriquet is as unlikely as this story). The Devil came to take his due on the night of a ball held in Hatton House. She danced with him, then he danced her outside and ripped her limb from limb. She was found the next morning in what is now known as Bleeding Heart Yard, because her heart was found there, still pumping blood!

All stuff and nonsense, but a good reason to visit the area.
And the Bleeding Heart Tavern is a fine establishment; I went there because of the connection to the name; my bleeding heart.
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