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Old 04-26-2015, 07:47 PM   #12
polaroid of perfection
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Originally Posted by BigV View Post
served with potatoes with lemon (?!)
I thought apricots. But I agree that you have an educated palate. When I come to Seattle you can educate mine a little more. And I'll let you take me to a Roller Derby.

If these were British pics I'd have a stab at identifying the cheese, but we just don't eat American cheese here.
I'd say an Italian semi-soft blue like Dolcelatte (or German Cambozola).
A mature [sharp] Cheddar, possibly Scottish. Although it's pale enough to be a soft white like Cheshire or Caerpilly the cut looks too precise for a crumbly cheese.
And a smoked cheese - Bavarian maybe. It could be an Italian hard, but again the cut suggests otherwise (as someone who hated trying to cut Parmesan and Grana Padano) and it would be an unusual choice for a cheeseboard.
Given the quality of the meal it could also be a sheep's cheese like Manchego; underrated IMO.

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