Thread: Did you know...
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Old 05-11-2015, 09:06 AM   #14
The Un-Tuckian
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: South Central...KY that is
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Did you know

that these #@!*% things that represent profanity in comic strips are referred to as 'grawlixes'? Well, they are.

Did you know

that Mort Walker, the creator of "Beetle Bailey", and "Hi & Lois", wrote a book called "The Lexicon of Comicana" to address his made-up terms for representational graphics in comic strips? Things like 'grawlixes', and 'plewds' - the flying sweat droplets that indicate someone is working hard, or stressed out.

Did you know

that Mort Walker is still alive, and, at 91, still supervises daily work at his studio?

Did you know

that "Beetle Bailey" has been in the Army for 65 years? Still a private.

Did you know

that Mort Walker volunteered for the US Navy at the outbreak of WWII? He tried out for the Amphibious Scouts (you may have heard of them by their later name: Navy SEALs), but was disqualified from the program because his penis was too big to allow him to maneuver in close quarters.

Yeah, I learned a thing or two this morning about Old Big Dick Mort.

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