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Old 04-20-2004, 08:20 AM   #8
.....short for Caz
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: The West Coast of England
Posts: 358
How many English cities do you know Onetrack? I think it's a touch dismissive to describe them as 'boring, grey, dreary'. Parts of some world cities are but we don't have the monoploy, and many of our towns and cities are hugely colourful and lively.

This flash gimmick is just another boy's toy isn't it, as in 'bigger the boys more expensive the toys' and I personally don't think anything could make it appear beautiful or remotely artistic. There is a lovely wind and light sculpture on Waterloo Bridge over the Thames which is composed of a complex sctructure of multi coloured strip lights, which change constantly in response to movement of air/wind. I often used to miss my bus home from work because I had become so absorbed in watching the light show I failed to see the bus. I can't see this new thing having a similar effect.
..down by the zea zippin' zider
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