Thread: Nightmare Fuel
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Old 06-11-2015, 12:52 PM   #245
Goon Squad Leader
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My experience with snakes is limited, but I have had several as pets across the years. When it comes to live feeding, one of the perils of training your snake that the warm wiggling thing equals a tasty meal is that your hand is (very) unfortunately warm and wiggly too. Getting a mistake bite from my corn snake is a surprise, getting a bite from my boa or my anaconda was a surprise and quite painful. Getting a bite from one of those cobras... how did my friend put it?? FUCK THAT SHIT, or, more precisely, my shit would be fucked. no, I would much prefer to train them, from the earliest possible opportunity, that warm does not equal food.

There's MUCH to be said of the advantages of not having to keep a living menagerie / snake pantry. Buying them in bulk, frozen and feeding one at a time after defrosting is waaay easier.
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