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Old 06-18-2015, 06:20 PM   #1335
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 772
Originally Posted by Lamplighter View Post
" Which one of people is not like the others ? "

Creator's answer: None, the point of the ad is probably to say Christ Christie is "Not a true republican". If you thought it's Christ, you are a traitor to the GOP. May the elephant weight's crush you. You see what I did there? Yes, see this is how I made an attack ad that only sends you the right message if you have the biases of the audience for the attack ads... Clever right? That's why I don't get fooled by global warming propaganda from "Science".

Liberal answer: None. I mean Chris Christie. Because he is the only one who identifies as male fro birth. Except it doesn't matter, so none. But not not mattering in the sense that gender identity isn't a thing we acknowledge, so it does. But wait, trans-racial? That's new... Is Rachel Dolezal the exception? Where is the new nouns dictionary?! I don't want to offend transracials, but she's stealing a minority's racial identity. What if she says the N word?! What to think... Someone please, what should I think?!

Christ Christie supporters answer: Is this because they are skinny? Are you making fun of his weight? You should be ashamed of yourself! Don't look so skin deep, It's whats on the inside that counts. Wait isn't that the broad that thought she was black? She cracks me up!

Last edited by it; 06-18-2015 at 06:29 PM.
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