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Old 06-28-2015, 07:42 AM   #2
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 660
And people call me awful, selfish, and incomplete for not wanting to bring a kid into my own tumultuous past or severely anxious present. (Seriously, people have offered to LEND ME their kids so I can get better at being around them. Am I the only one thinking that's creepy, stupid, AND dangerous?) I'm guessing these gals did not have a lot of parental involvement in their lives...I did, and I know I could not do half the wonders my mother managed! Modern America seems to have a poorly-hidden bias along the lines of "If she ain't a breeder we don't need 'er", but the fate of these girls and thousands of other kids every day makes me glad I never had to screw up the life of a baby by having the poor bugger start out with me as a parent.
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