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Old 07-10-2015, 02:21 PM   #1
barely disguised asshole, keeper of all that is holy.
Join Date: Nov 2007
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Harmony the 17 yr old badass chicka.

Harmony was our badass. She was the uncontested leader of the feline contingent in our home since the day we rescued her 17+ years ago. She loved very few people other than our family. She loved curling up with me on a cold winter's night.

A neighbor (guy I didn't know) came knocking on my door around 11am today. He says I think something is wrong with your cat. Huh? Its out back howling by a tree. I run out back and find Harmony lying in the mulch with her head face down resting on her paws. Immediately I knew something was wrong. I thank him and scooped her up and brought her home.
She hasn't been well the last 6 months or so. She had a tough time walking with arthritic hips. She'd lost a lot of weight - was down to 6 lbs as it turns out. Her hair was shedding uncontrollably too. She was kinda hard of hearing and her sight wasn't so great anymore either.
I poked and prodded her a bit to see if she was just tired. Maybe it was too hot out for her. yeh, thats it, she needs to cool down inside and then everything will be ok. Lemme get her some water and some canned food (a treat). Thats when I noticed she couldn't hold her head up. She had no interest in food from a bowl, but tried to eat when I gave it to her on a spoon. She couldn't walk - just took a few steps in a semi circle and laid back down.
I took her to the vet with Dan. She never came home. I made the toughest call I've ever made as a pet parent.
She's now running free chasing butterflies and birds in kitty heaven. Good bye ole girl, rest easy. I loved ya more than either of us knew :'(
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"like strapping a pillow on a bull in a china shop" Bullitt
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