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Old 08-30-2015, 10:52 AM   #9
polaroid of perfection
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Chrissie Hynde stands up for rape victims

... not.

Chrissie made the comments to the Sunday Times Magazine in relation to an incident that happened to her when she was younger.
The star recalled how she crossed paths with members of one of Ohio's leather-clad gangs who promised to take her to a party - but instead took her to an empty house.

Despite that, she says she takes 'full responsibility' for what happened.
She continued: 'Technically speaking, however you want to look at it, this was all my doing and I take full responsibility.
'You can't f*** about with people, especially people who wear "I Heart Rape" and "On Your Knees" badges... those motorcycle gangs, that's what they do.

'You can't paint yourself into a corner and then say whose brush is this? You have to take responsibility. I mean, I was naive...'
When asked whether the gang took advantage of her vulnerability, she replied: 'If you play with fire you get burnt. It's not any secret, is it?'

Hynde went on to say that women who dress provocatively while walking down the street drunk are also to blame if they are attacked.
'If I'm walking around in my underwear and I'm drunk? Who else's fault can it be?'

She explained: 'If I'm walking around and I'm very modestly dressed and I'm keeping to myself and someone attacks me, then I'd say that's his fault.
'But if I'm being very lairy and putting it about and being provocative, then you are enticing someone who's already unhinged - don't do that. Come on! That's just common sense. You know, if you don't want to entice a rapist, don't wear high heels so you can't run from him.
'If you're wearing something that says 'Come and f*** me', you'd better be good on your feet... I don't think I'm saying anything controversial am I?'
Now I'd like to think that even if I was walking around drunk in my underwear, men would feel protective and get me to safety. Okay, some might "accidentally" cop a feel, but in general they would know I was in some sort of trouble.

And to equate wearing high heels to "putting it about" and "being provocative"! I'd like to think she was misquoted, but it's not just a single sentence.

Leaving your valuables on display in a car is careless and does make robbery more likely. Leaving your ground floor windows open at night (depending on where you live) raises the potential for opportunistic theft. Walking through high crime areas without paying due care and attention/ displaying conspicuous wealth is likely to end badly.

But wearing high heels makes you responsible for being raped?

I wonder if Chrissie Hynde actually bothers to read the news. Knows about grandmothers being raped in their own homes, or women out walking dogs or with their children? Sluts, obviously.

Yes, there are things you can do to lessen your chances of being raped on a night out. Same as the crimes I cited above. But they are common sense (awareness of surroundings, area, company) not her version of it. She was very naive - to the point of stupidity - to choose to go to a party with men wearing I heart rape badges, yes. But being naive and even being stupid are not illegal as far as I know. She should not have had to pay for her actions by being sexually violated.
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