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Old 09-01-2015, 05:26 PM   #3106
The future is unwritten
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The notion that every concept has to be on a left-right line, with everyone falling exactly one place on the line and all reasoning being a debate between one side or the other... is some serious bullshit once you stop and think about it.
That's what he said, but recently in Congress, it seems if one side say they support something, the other side automatically are against it, even stupid little shit. That makes it look like fer us or agin us. Any Congress critter who agrees with the "enemy" gets jumped on by their party leaders and challenged at the next primary.
Our educational system, our media, our entire society wants to push every single goddamn thing under the sun into this continuum.
That's true, they want to point out the differences aren't that great so there's no reason not to get along. Kumbaya.
However, isn't that what Congress is supposed to do? Hammer those differences into a workable plan... even if it takes fisticuffs on the floor?
In the past there has been a lot of horse trading in Washington, if you vote for my bill, I'll vote for yours. Even that seems to have disappeared in the current polarization. I get the feeling the populous isn't as polarized as the politicians, and are generally sick of it, except for maybe a pet peeve issue.

What I got out of it is all the polls and discussing voting blocs is bullshit, if it depends on taking their word for the size of any group and anyone's ability to predict the voting behavior of that group. Mostly because people who are assigned a group, really shouldn't be, and the ones who are don't agree on many issues. The only groups that are anywhere near reliable at the poles are the hard liners in each party, and they're pretty small. There's a whole lot of people who vote on single, or maybe two issues, with no thought to compromise. The Tea party and Trump have been very good at zeroing in on those hot buttons of the disgruntled. People who don't like this or that about the government but don't understand what's really going on, so they'll support anyone who claims to be able to fix it.

UT you have always shown a way above interest in the political system, and were in fact involved for awhile. Monkey has been close to the workings in DC by blood. You guys ain't normal.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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