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Old 09-09-2015, 11:31 AM   #6018
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 20,012
Aside from general redistribution, my store in particular has a habit of switching back and forth every 2 years or so: all the organic produce in one place, everything else on the other side of the room; OR all the apples here, oranges here, and if they happen to have organic apples then they go in the apple section, etc.

Now first off, I strongly prefer the first method. I am not buying strawberries, etc., unless they have organic, so when it's all mixed in I effectively have to wander through every section to see if they have what I want. And if they don't have organic strawberries, I think, "Oh, I'll get organic blueberries instead," but then I have to go to another section to see if that's an option, instead of just seeing the organic blueberries sitting out where the organic strawberries would have been, if they'd had any.

But aside from that... just fucking pick one already. We've lived in this house for 8+ years now, and they've gone back and forth between these two methods more times than I can remember.
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