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Old 09-14-2015, 09:10 PM   #17
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 20,012
I once kind of date-raped a guy.

I mean, obviously it's not like there was physical force, or even a direct "no" on his part. But he expressed uneasiness, and if the genders were switched I think a lot of people would be uncomfortable with it. And of course at the time I would never, ever have assessed the situation in that way. I was buying into the typical model that says of course guys always want to have sex, so his uneasiness must mean there was something wrong with me, and I should therefore try harder to fix it. I was honestly trying really hard to do the right thing.

It's only in recent years that I've thought back on it and really realized how terrified and uncomfortable he was. I wish I hadn't done it.
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