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Old 10-17-2015, 05:39 AM   #175
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Yorkshire
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I dunno about that trace. There are a lot of prejudiced people and a lot of people who take a kind of personal affront at trans people.

I was for a while a sitting member of our cuoncil's 'Health and Social Care' scrutiny committee. One of the issues that was brought to our attention was the dearth of specialist services for trans men and women. The way those people were/are treated in the NHS was shocking. I supported a small group who were bringing the issue to the committee and became friends with a couple of the people leading that group. The driving force of the group, has had some terrible experiences.

Workmen taking on jobs at her house, getting there and seeing her then telling her to fuck off, they won't do the job, she should be ashamed, perverts like her make them sick.

People leaning out of cars as they drive past shouting obscenities

A severe beating on a train station about 7 years ago.
There's only so much punishment a man can take in pursuit of punani. - Sundae
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