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Old 10-17-2015, 03:38 PM   #370
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 772
I've addressed that in the first round - Taking you for your word for what you are arguing for and assuming everything else it happened to expressed was coicndeintal (in the same spirit that giving old men who says "don't have no problem with negro's" the benefit of the doubt would require), even then it comes down to an ideological stance against verifying enecodtal experiences based on some false dicthonomy between "people" and "test subjects" that results in a sense that it's dehumanizing to consciously try and see how people reacts in various situations, even though you readily admit that you yourself do so subconsciously and that's completely fine...
It's like the sort of people who think buying coffee by outright avoiding the thought that it's probably made of beans grown on farm lands stolen from native villages by bribing government officals and then making them work in horrible conditions is somehow ethically superior to doing the exact same thing consciously. It comes down to a high horse in deliberately avoiding awareness. As I said - it's a radically opposite value system to my own, by which willful ignorance is kind of the most disgusting thing people can do.

Last edited by it; 10-17-2015 at 03:46 PM.
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