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Old 10-18-2015, 05:50 AM   #385
I love it when a plan comes together.
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 9,793
From Cellar FAQ:

It takes all kinds. There may people here that you don't like. There may be people here who don't like you. Such is life, and it's not the end of the world. Now, if you don't like most people here, you should find another forum. And also, if most people here don't like you, you should find another forum.

He's fond of acronyms. Makes him feel superior to make others ask what they mean so he has to explain it to them. He's threatening to take his ball and go home. He preys on unattached women he believes are desperate for the attention he gives them: so desperate that they can't do without him and will rally around him and appease his egocentric needy ways if he threatens to leave.

Failing that, it gives him an out before he is banned. A Peace With Honor ploy like Nixon's where he comes off as the bigger least in his own mind. He doesn't have the integrity to just do it. He has to announce it (this is the second time) and make the aforementioned play first.

It's all about manipulation. Some, like JBKlyde, get into religion for what it can do for their agenda. This one gets into psychology for the same reason. Think of this one as a cross between JBKlyde and tw. It fools a lot of the people a lot of the time, especially those who are predisposed to identifying with others who appear to have deep convictions (even if those convictions aren't altruistic).
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