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Old 11-25-2015, 11:54 PM   #17
Goon Squad Leader
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Seattle
Posts: 27,063
Are gloves always too big for your pinkie?

Did you get a flu shot this year (for the coming winter, northern hemi, winter just gone, southern)?

Are paper cuts or hangnails more annoying?
Hangnails, not really a contest. Fuck hangnails too.

If your continent was going to cease to be habitable, which other one would you choose to evacuate to?
... depends on the nature of the uninhabitableness. If increasing temperature made North America too hot, then... then... ??? Antarctica? I'd find any other continent an interesting adventure.

Should voting get you a tax discount or other benefit/not voting lead to some tax penalty or other "punishment"
No. It's too bad stupidity isn't more directly expensive.

At home, if you have cans of pop/soda or beer, do you pour them into a glass?
Sometimes. Beer, sometimes, soda, sometimes if it needs ice.

Thick or thin crust pizza?
Thin, super thin, like a cracker.

If there's no-one around, do you stop at the stopsign?

Which insect do you like the least apart from mosquitoes?
Motherfucking fire ants.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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