Thread: Paris attacks
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Old 11-26-2015, 01:01 AM   #11
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Bottom lands of the Missoula floods
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Be careful Dani, Sexobon is blowing smoke up your skirt.

The author of this article in Sexton’s link is the same attorney who, under GW Bush,
“defended the practice of waterboarding as not necessarily being torture,
and as necessary in some situations to prosecute the War on Terror”
... and then [coyly] admitted that "waterboarding is close enough to torture
that reasonable minds can differ on whether it is torture".

These guys are trying to overwhelm us into believing there is a legal basis
to exclude refugees on the basis of the their religion.
But I haven’t found it because there are only the following four places
in the citation where the word “religion” is used.

Before asylum is granted:
One section defines religious persecution as one of the several
legal reasons that a refugee can be granted asylum.
One section defines the refugee as having the burden of proof
to show that IF ASYLUM IS NOT GRANTED, the refugee would be harmed,
and defines religious persecution as one of the valid reasons.
One section defines reasons for NOT granting asylum is that
if the refugee had participated in religious persecution of some else.

After asylum has been granted:
One section defines several ways that asylum can be terminated
… one is when the refugee agrees to the termination
and will not be persecuted in the next country of choice.

Maybe Sexobon can cite where the law allows the person's religion,
itself, to be the reason for denying asylum.

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