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Old 12-14-2015, 06:52 PM   #6124
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
My hand hurts.

I cut the shit out of it.

I was alone in an almost empty workroom, and I was scooting my chair around back and forth as I did stuff (indexed files) on opposite sides of the room.

I pushed off backwards with a huge push and a wheel of my chair hit a recessed outlet in the floor. It stopped rolling and I went over backwards. Time slowed down and I remember being annoyed at this object that got in my way, then being amazed at how my inertia was lifting me out of my chair, then thinking "this is probably going to hurt."

It did hurt. I hit my head on the floor, but the real pain came from my hand. I looked down and saw a one inch binder clip in my palm with blood oozing all around it.

I gingerly removed the binder clip as blood made its way down each of my fingers and dripped onto the carpet. Then I folded the loose flap of skin back down to where it belonged and applied a lot of pressure. I tried to keep the blood from getting everywhere as I walked over to the first aid kit which was only ten feet away and then I stood there waiting for the bleeding to slow down before grabbing bandaging. Opened the packaging with my teeth and wrapped my hand up. I was all proud of myself until I saw the blood oozing through a second or two later, so I went into the pantry to get another first aid kit. Wrapped another one around, and it was all good. got a wet paper towel and cleaned the rest of my hand off. And then left work to take a cab to urgent care.

Urgent care was great. They cleaned it well. Gave me numbing shots, and stitched me up. 7 stitches.

I'd never had stitches before. Now I have. I would have preferred not reaching this milestone.
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