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Old 12-29-2015, 09:17 AM   #23
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
I couldn't find the most recent Facebook complaining thread, so I'll put this here.

I took a picture of my extended family over the holidays and posted it to Facebook. I made it public because I knew my mom would want to share it, and others might as well, and honestly, I don't care if strangers see a picture of me. I didn't tag anyone, but some of my relatives tagged themselves, and it got shared once or twice.

I was just looking at who "liked" it. I knew most of the people, but there were some friends of my friends that I didn't know. And then there were 2 out of 54 who did not share mutual friends with me. Two complete strangers. Not even friends of anyone I'm aware of.

So these two people presumably saw in their feed that their friend liked some picture. They clicked on the picture that the friend liked, and then saw that the picture contained a bunch of strangers. And they clicked that they liked the picture too. I don't get it.

It's a nice picture, but nothing special if you don't know at least some of the people.
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