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Old 02-01-2016, 11:56 AM   #1424
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
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I've been wondering for a while about Trump and why he's in this race.

I believe that Trump loves closing deals. He loves winning. He loves the thrill of the chase. I believe, however, that he hates the nitty gritty of running a business. When he sets up every new business, he puts someone else in charge of it. He doesn't like the actual work. That's for other people. He closes the deal, and hands that sucker off, and moves on to the next deal.

He wants to win the election. It's genuine. It's the ultimate victory. President!

I don't think he's fully realized yet that if he wins this one, he can't just hand it off to someone else to run. He can delegate a lot, but still has to be present every single day.

So I can see Trump eventually walking away from the job. Not under a scandal. Not from being impeached. Just because he got tired of having to work every day. His running mate will be important.
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