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Old 03-07-2016, 05:08 PM   #1468
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Yorkshire
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And for many - no work.

If I had to leave my country in order to survive, I'd probably want to try and get to somewhere where there was employment and a potential future, and maybe even people who didn't want to spit on me and kick me straight back out of their country.

Add 'Uncompromising hostility' to many of those countries.

Sorry it pissed you off.

There are so many misconcenptions about refugees, and the media is saturated with anti-refugee and anti-immigrant rhetoric. So much of what I hear and read stuns me with its lack of empathy and humanity. If someone we knew, who we cared for were tomake a journey that long to save their families, moved heaven and earth and poured everything they had into making it happen, we'd admire them. But these strangers do what mos6 of us would find impossible, risk themselves in ways most of us cannot truly imagine and hopefully will never have to experience, and we dismiss them with a contemptuous nod at their money-grubbing motives.

I don't know how prevalent that sort of thing is over there, but here it's poisoned the whole fucking well. I get tired of seeing the world's most vulnerable people as the butt of the joke.

I shall now step off my high horse and cease contaminating this thread with teh serius
There's only so much punishment a man can take in pursuit of punani. - Sundae
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