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Old 03-14-2016, 11:21 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by Aliantha View Post
He is creating such divisiveness within your community that it's frightening to watch. How it can even be legal for him to tell people to punch other people for whatever he thinks is right just boggles my mind.
Many who know violence justifies a belief have not increased. But this is what the Republican insiders did not understand. Limbaugh, Hannity, Paul, (even Sarah Palin), etc were recruiting these people with their rhetoric. Suddenly a concentration of easily manipulated mindsets are tapped by politicians who preach childish rhetoric to a group inspired only by emotions. Republican insiders declared an 'all hands on deck' reaction to derail this threat. Too little too late. A large body of Republicans know punching someone in the face is justified. They are now collected in the Party that wants to stifle stem cell research, health and environment regulations, improved international relations, solutions to the Middle East, any spending even on infrastructure and other need national development, international treaties, and even the closing of Guantanamo. They love extraordinary rendition, big guns, more Middle East wars, gestapo torture tactics, hate of minorities and immigrants, and both Trump and Cruz.

A 70 year old man punched a demonstrator who was being removed from a Trump rally by the police. The police charged that demonstrator with violence. News video so exposed this attitude that police had to go out three days later to arrest that attacker. Emotion justified their response. New video force them to act as logical adults.

A U of Virginia professor describes what attracts these type. "Jesse Helms understood before anyone else that the proverbial angry white male feels the most aggrieved, and is therefore the most likely to vote." A Senator that promoted racism, hate, and obtainsd power by defining 'good vs evil' was always popular among these types. People who fear. People who can be told what to fear; therefore know it must be true - facts be damned. The Republican party has now become a magnet for these types.

Delaware Republicans even disposed of their long time and popular Senator to vote for a 'witch'. The emotional are that easily manipulated.

Same people know violence and insults proves one is right. Their numbers have not increased. But they were collected by a Republican party that did not realize (or care) who they were recruiting. In the tradition of Jesse Helms, Strom Thurmond, Trent Lott, and the Council of Conservative Citizens, they are flocking to rhetoric that even admired a Georgia state flag that promoted hate.

These adults, who are still children, have always existed in same numbers. But having been concentrated in an organization that can mobilize them, suddenly a divisiveness that has always existed has become apparent.

Republican party insiders did not realize what they had created. Are shocked that fear and hate inspires these people. Divisiveness has not increased. It has only become concentrated where it can be tapped for political gain. It always existed.
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