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Old 04-30-2004, 07:16 PM   #35
Read? I only know how to write.
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 11,933
Here is the list of seven television stations who will censor basic facts only because they fear we might appreciate the lie predicated by the president:
WGGB 40 Springfiled MA
KDNL 30 St Louis MO (site is under construction)(one way to avoid viewer response)
WCHS Charleston WV
WLOS 13 Asheville NC (Click on 'feedback')
WXLV 45 Greensboro/Winston-Salem, NC (took down their web site)
(WHNS in Greenville NC will instead air it)
WSYX 06 Columbus OH (Click on 'Contact Us')
WEAR 03 Pensacola FL (no e-mail; call 800-274-WEAR )

Sinclair stations won't air 'Nightline'
After the September 2001 attacks, officials at Sinclair stations were directed to read on-air statements supporting the Bush administration's efforts against terrorism. The move prompted internal objections by journalists at WBFF-TV, Sinclair's flagship station in Baltimore, after anchors there were told to read similar statements on the air. Company directors and executives have been frequent donors to Republican causes.

Koppel's early reporting during the invasion of Iraq in early 2003, when he was "embedded" with the U.S. Army's 3rd Armored Infantry Division, was unjustified in its pessimism, Hyman contended yesterday. "He's a guy whose credibility as an independent journalist is a little bit suspect to begin with," Hyman said. As of yesterday afternoon, Koppel had not agreed to an interview with Sinclair reporters, he said.
To say that Koppel's report was biased or "was unjustified in its pessimism" is exactly what right wing extremists said about reports from Vietnam. In fact, stories from Time Magazine reporters were intentionally changed (rewritten in New York and Washington) because top Time Magazine management did not like the truth. Yes Time Magazine intentionally censored their own resporters articles because those reports did not agree with presidental propaganda.

Koppel told it as it went down. We now know his reports to be quite accurate. However look at who runs Sinclair News - disciples of Pravada? "All the news that is fit for you to hear"? Or is it "We make it simple"? What happened to "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth"? We cannot be trusted with the truth? Now that describes Sinclair Broadcasting - anti-American and proud of it.
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