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Old 06-08-2016, 08:10 AM   #98
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Originally Posted by Dr. Zaius View Post
Trump starts a fire, pours gas on it, then throws his own team under the nearest bus. Classy guy. I can't see any VP candidate or cabinet member this guy picks not suffering the same fate.
Never forget how an extremist obtains office. Preach to adults who are still children. These adults only 'know' from what they feel - their emotions. Facts are only obtained later to justify their feelings.

'I am a liberal' or 'I am a conservative' means entertaining emotions - not thinking like an adult.

Trump is not preaching to moderates. Moderates do not have a conclusion until after facts are learned. Trump does not need moderates. More than enough extremists (people who need not waste time learning facts) exist to get him nominated.

Worse, view the Republican finalists. Most are extremists. More than enough 'adult who are still children' existed to support other extremists - including Ted Cruz.

Many adults only 'know' from what they feel - just like a child. A third grader respects another who is good at insulting. That is a child making a decision from his 'feelings'. This party primary season has demonstrated how many 'children who are easily brainwashed' exist in both parties.

They only represent what we the people wanted. Let's not forget another lesson. How many had so much contempt for the American soldier as to waste 5000 in Iraq for no purpose? There are that many adults who still think like children. Hitler called them his brown shirts.
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