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Old 06-10-2016, 08:06 AM   #11
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
Kids ARE experimenting with ideas, and that where change often comes from.

There are some kids at my daughter's high school who have very specific desires about which pronouns you can use when referring to them. And my daughter has learned to respect their wishes so much that now she doesn't ever want to presume which pronoun she can use when referring to ANYONE until she hears from that person which pronoun they want others to use. It results in convoluted sentence structure when she's talking about someoen with unknown preferences. She explained this to my wife and I matter-of-factly, not as a complaint. She was fine with it.

So the kids today, or at least this liberal group in this high school, are bending over backwards to show respect for one another. It makes me both proud and horrified. They are losing an efficiency in language and it's basically about making other people changing their behavior to suit you, but it's also about showing compassion and basic human decency.

It all seems a little weird to me in my generation. I must be getting to be a dinosaur. Not enough of one to support Trump though.
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