Thread: Law Enforcment
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Old 07-18-2016, 07:39 PM   #64
Big Sarge
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Originally Posted by Undertoad View Post
If there is this bias, let us prove it out. What we have are selected anecdotes about incidents, which are heartbreaking in every way. But not really proof.

I just heard of one that happened two miles from my home town, just last year. As kids, we rode bikes right near where this happened.

The following is a true story. It is an anecdote. It proves nothing:

This cop pulls a guy over for an expired inspection sticker: two months out of inspection.

The guy is age 59, and there's 6 inches of snow on the ground... but he gets out of the car and starts to try to run. For no reason at all, with no evidence at all, the cop decides he has a gun. The cop tasers him, and he lands face down in the snow. He lands with his hands up, but the cop continues to taser him, over and over and over, and he goes into convulsions; and, naturally, his hands drop down. At that point, the cop shoots him. In the back.

He didn't have a gun. And his jacket was zipped up, so it would have been tricky to reach for one.

In this case, they prosecuted the cop; but you know a central Pennsylvania jury would not convict a police officer. The cop even decided to go back to work - and would have - until the community got together and fought it.

Had you heard of this? I hadn't heard of it until today. Why haven't we heard of this?

Cos the full story doesn't affect the current narrative, so it's not interesting. So people don't care and so it doesn't make national news. Full story is here.

You may watch the bodycam footage if you like that sort of thing. It's pretty frickin' horrible. But like the nature videos, sometimes you have to see and acknowledge what life is. Especially if you wish to speak to it.
I'm not comfortable with that shooting, but I'm not ready to throw out our jurisprudence system over it. Because she was acquitted, was there any rioting and looting in the streets? Did they assassinate any police officers over this verdict?
Give a man a match, & he'll be warm for 20 seconds. But toss that man a white phosphorus grenade and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
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