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Old 05-04-2004, 03:34 PM   #120
"I may not always be perfect, but I'm always me."
Join Date: Dec 2001
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Originally posted by Catwoman
1. The point was made by someone earlier that justice and revenge are not mutually exclusive. Retribution, punishment - call it what you will - its function is the same. It is reflective of an attitude of like-for-like; you hit me and I'll hit you. This is not constructive. It is cyclical and perpetual and does not achieve resolution.
So what then? Just make that person deny their true feelings for the sake of people who don't agree? IMO, feeling revengeful, etc. is part of being human...notice I didn't say that EVERY human has to feel this way, nor will they always act on that feeling, so why not let them have their "moment"? For some, that is quite theraputic (as opposed to keeping al that emotion bottled up inside).

3. Does the value of a human life vary according to the individual? Why is it right to take the life of another person, because (*screaming child) 'he did it first' (*screaming child)?? Could YOU push the button on the electric chair?

If someone killed my family, loved ones..damn right I could.

Someone's got to do it. Should they die too? It's PERPETUAL it is NEVERENDING you cannot overcome hate and fear with hate and fear. Why is that so difficult to comprehend?
Why is it so difficult to comprehend that some people are going to feel that way..period? Just because YOU wouldn't DARE feel that way, don't say that others don't have the right to do so.

"Your right doesn't make me wrong." (told to me by a very wise man)
"Freedom is not given. It is our right at birth. But there are some moments when it must be taken." ~Tagline from the movie "Amistad"~

"The Akan concept of Sankofa: In order to move forward we first have to take a step back. In other words, before we can be prepared for the future, we must comprehend the past." From "We Did It, They Hid It"
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