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Old 08-15-2016, 07:45 AM   #19
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 660
I musta missed something BIG. I do, however, love me some IotD, and I bet if several of us got our heads together we could at least cough up a couple of new posts there a week. I'll be back to daily online activities around about the 25th of this month because my neighbor has to go say goodbye to his best friend since 1988, and when he travels I go with as a medical aide. His laptop doesn't do on-the-road wifi . But if the Cellar doesn't get wiped while I'm gone, I'd be happy to see what I might be able to put back into something that gave me YEARS of daily enjoyment before I scraped up the courage to join.

Does the forum have the code to put that little "Share it on Pinterest" button on images? Cuz I know a Pinterest account that would be happy to link up, which might get us more exposure.

The weirdest thing is that I have the IotD Archive page bookmarked, and the threads that don't show up in the forum any more still pop right up from that page. I have extremely limited knowledge of how these things work, or that might make more sense to me.
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