Thread: Random Thoughts
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Old 08-15-2016, 09:24 AM   #11
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 660
Originally Posted by infinite monkey View Post
I mean, they know their financial situation but just keep popping them out? I would rather give to a family who recently lost income they depended on or who had unexpected medical bills or something like that, not one more Catholic family who feels the need to just keep on having kids no matter what. And yes, that WAS the situation.
I'm with the bumper sticker on this one. Can't feed 'em? DON'T breed 'em! Good for dogs, cats, horses, and humans. All the other livestock I can think of is things we already do eat widely in the US, and the other popular home-breeding-friendly pets oftentimes can go to local pet stores--rodents, small reptiles, things like that.

I "adopted" a brother & sister 10 years ago who were born into a feral cat colony. By "adopted" I mean "stole from their mother when she started teaching them to be wild". I did this when I had no money and no immediate prospects for making money, which ordinarily I would regard as a hideously irresponsible act. The one thing that I did that many people do not is that I made a deal with my landlord, who already owned indoor cats. Her lazy kid claimed ownership of 3 cats but refused under any circumstances to clean their 4 catboxes. So in trade for cat food and litter from their household supply, I cleaned those 4 boxes every morning for almost a year and a half, missing a grand total of 4 days when I was super sick. I think we made a fair deal, and since I got put on lifetime disability back in '08 those cats have never missed a meal or had to go more than 48 hours without a freshly scooped-out litterbox.

And I had myself spayed (well, tubal ligation anyway) WAY before I could accidentally ruin a child's life by being its mother. Cats are about as much toddler as I can stand!
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