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Old 08-23-2016, 09:17 AM   #43
Encroaching on your decrees
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: An island within the south-west coast of Scotland
Posts: 7,016
So it's a whole voyage of discovery and we've not even gone anywhere yet.
Personal background: I drove a car and trailer once, a long while ago: other than that I have no experience. As a family we did some narrowboat holidays (in the early days of the genre): other than than I have no caravanning-like experience. I am reasonably practical, Mr L is not a mechanic by any stretch of the definition.

I have asked a couple of neighbours to check out one or two things for me. The farmer's Giant son from up the road took at look at Fanny's, er, fanny (chassis, underparts, undercarriage) and pronounced it pretty sound. He started to talk about grease nipples and in the process inadvertently explained to me how the braking system works (pressure on the towing coupling brings the trailer brakes into play - who knew!??!!). He has also kindly removed the spare wheel cage from under Fanny (we'll take the wheel with us, but roads and ferry ramps are so corrugated here that an extra low-clearance item like that is just more trouble than it's worth).

The fridge is three-way but I was wondering how you could tell if you'd lit the pilot for gas operation - YouTube was the answer here.

Still waiting for my electrician mate to nip up, but here's the question I want to ask: When on battery power we have only ONE light that works and no electric in any of the five (!) sockets. When on mains hook-up we have all three internal lights working, and power in all five sockets (and the fridge if we want). SO ... I wonder, if we use LED bulbs in all the internal lights, could it be wired so that all three lights would work from the battery as well as mains/hook-up? And so that we have power in at least (maybe just only) one of the sockets? Or would that be such a drain on the battery (I know it depends what we put in the socket, but think gadget recharging and you won't be far wrong. We have a wee gas cooker for kettle/hot water bottles/cooking).

Awaiting teh Cellar advice with interest.
Living it up on the edge ... of civilisation, within the southwest coast of
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