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Old 09-21-2016, 10:02 AM   #14
Read? I only know how to write.
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The Economist now (17 Sept 2016) has an expression for wacko extremists that routinely lie - and are respected for lying.
The Philippines, which has one of the world's best recent records on economic growth, has elected a Trumplestilskin ... Rodrigo Duterte. There isn't a fixed lump of "instability" to be distributed around the globe. At the moment political turmoil is on the rise across most of the world.
Mr Trump's shtick should not be working. In part, that is because he has repeatedly made appeals to bigotry since entering the race more than a year ago. It is dismaying to see so many Americans either nod in agreement or pretend not to hear what he is actually saying. To be still more blunt, to anyone with their critical faculties undimmed by partisan rage or calculation, he is obviously a con-man. He is a self-styled billionaire who will not reveal his tax returns and claims credit for acts of charity that others funded. He is a portly 70 year old who likes to insinuate that Mrs Clinton is in desperate health while declining to reveal his own medical records. Then there are his promises to restore American greatness if elected president ... In a country long used to fibbing candidates and policy platforms constructed out of flim-flam and magic money, Mr Trump breaks new ground. ... Just start with the businessman's most famous promise, that he can make Mexico pay for a 2,000 mile border wall which will stop both illegal migration and drug smuggling: a nonsensical claim that reliably provokes roars of delight at Trump rallies
Trumplestilskin defines the intelligence level of Trump supporters. These same people also voted for George Jr. But a con-man Trump has out done those lies and "breaks new ground". These same type people became brown shirts in the 1930s.
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