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Old 09-22-2016, 06:04 AM   #4214
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Had a small burn the other night.

Put on a hydrocolloid plaster. It started going orange and seeping a little.
So I thought after two days I should check I'd done the right thing - my healing being compromised and all that. The last thing I need is a skin infection.

Called 111 for advice, even though they called an ambulance on me last time.
Totally opposite reaction this time - got an answerphone message saying they were terribly sorry but they were very, very busy and I should call my GP.
I was calling to find out whether I should call my GP or go to Minor Injuries.

So I called my GP and the Receptionist said I should go to Minor Injuries (this is a nurse-based clinic, usually in smaller hospitals, to spare the NHS the cost of someone going to Accident and Emergency - my closest A&E being my second home 13 miles away at St James' in Leeds)

Got a taxi up there, even though it's less than a mile. Muscle wastage and breathlessness and all that.
Turns out I had done the right thing. But the Nurse was concerned about the lack of sensation - because I didn't scream when she poked my exposed burn I suppose. It's only the top layer of skin missing. I've had worse.

So they dressed it. In a HUGE pad and dressing. And that's seeping orange spots now too. Within two hours. So I'm some sort of Ki-Ora machine it seems.

Anyway, got to go back to the local hospital on Sunday to be checked and have another dressing put on, and have an appointment with my Practice Nurse (at the GP's) on Wednesday.

So I'm being looked after and it's all in hand. Just a bit tiring.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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