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Old 09-24-2016, 06:48 AM   #4222
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Re my previous post about my burn:
The adhesive plaster on my dressing was coming detached. And I know that wet healing depends on a sterile wound. So I thought I'd best go back today rather than tomorrow.

The first Nurse I saw filled me with confidence. Not.
"Eurgh, why is it green?!"

Well I actually knew the answer, because when the green spotting started to come through from the inside, I looked it up online. It's to do with the silver in the dressing, and although it doesn't happen in every case, it's not a cause for concern. But I'm not telling her.

I then had to go through the whole rigmarole again. When, where, what meds am I on, who dressed it etc etc. Medical records? C'mon people.

Anyway, I explained to the Nurse and then the Sister that I'd only come in as the dressing was coming loose, and I'd been advised to come in tomorrow. They still behaved as if it was a major A&E injury (it's not) before poking it again with gloved fingers and deciding it was healing more or less as expected. "I'm surprised it's still bleeding though", said Sister. Well, I'm not going down that route again! Just kept my mouth shut. This is the place I went to for a routine blood test and started dripping blood on the floor before I'd even left the building then was told off for not telling them I have a blot-clotting disorder (I don't - I'm just a bleeder). I wasn't bleeding for fun - not my fault it wasn't dressed properly.

Anyway, the Nurse put some more gel on, and a pad, and another big plaster and then a BANDAGE and then dressed it in a tubi-grip thing to keep the bandage on until I get to see the Nurse on Wednesday. Wednesday!!! Have to keep it dry til then. Been getting by with dry shampoo and baby-wipes (so a bit like my trip to real hospital) but I had hoped the new dressing would be waterproof. Ah well.

Slow morning at the Wharfedale I'm guessing. Or maybe they'd all got together last night and watched a box set of Holby City DVDs.

So here I am, looking like I've been in a knife fight for a tiny burn.
Better than leaving it uncovered and seeping all over my duvet I suppose. And I can't moan about not having something dressed properly and then moan that they've bandaged me too much

I moan here so I don't moan to the medical staff. You don't upset people with needles in their hands, or those dealing with missing pieces of skin.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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