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Old 10-25-2016, 07:42 AM   #2
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
I just spent 5 minutes looking at image samples from various Fujifilm cameras that have model numbers starting with an X. They look nice if you can afford them.

They seem to mostly all use an APS-C sensor, which is physically larger than a typical consumer grade point and shoot, but not as large as a full sized pro DSLR sensor. The larger the sensor, the better the image because noise is reduced.

The prices on the Fujifilms cameras are pretty high, so you are paying for that quality.

Every camera is a trade off. Every camera. You gain something, and you give something up.

With these cameras, you get image control. You get nice results from the sensor. You give up some cash because they are expensive, and you give up portability and spontaneity, because you need to carry around a bunch of lenses.
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