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Old 10-26-2016, 06:20 PM   #9
Join Date: Aug 2016
Posts: 1,357
I am on a biker forum too. Yes only two. This one and that one. They too have a Trump/Clitery thread. I mostly lurk on these. Just from the language I can tell that I am dealing with upper class educated people. Here I am middle class retired. My wife and I are comfortable. Did you ever notice bald men don't run for president? Both candidates dye their hair. Why does Clitery get that goonie smile on her face when Trump speaks? Any man knows that was locker room talk on the bus. Coulda used the "c" word instead of the "p" word.
Then the poor porn star is insulted. She just got a Golden Dildo award in Las Vegas for the best getting it up the azz movie. Clitery wants to raise taxes. Thats an answer. Make pot legal and tax that.

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