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Old 12-16-2016, 07:15 AM   #11502
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
Yesterday I was really happy for a trivial thing, but that's sometimes the way it works, isn't it?

I needed to deal with some stupid red tape at the courthouse on the will/estate I'm dealing with. I was dreading it because visiting this clerk is by appointment only and I didn't have an appointment.

Found the last spot in the court parking lot, and I paid for 2 hours of parking, just in case I was going to have to sit there for a while to wait my turn to be helped.

They had a miniature Christmas tree with a train running around it on the counter, Christmas music softly playing, and a candy jar. And the clerk in the back of the office looked up and saw me standing there, and came right over to help me. She updated and notarized my document and didn't charge me the two dollars I was expecting them to charge. It went so smoothly. She was so friendly. And I was back to the parking lot in under 5 minutes. Cars were circling at that point, looking for spots. So I gestured to one guy where my car was and he waited while I pulled out. I had to pass him as I pulled away, so I rolled down my window and grabbed my almost 2 hours of paid parking slip off the dash, and passed it over to him. He was confused at first, but then said "Awesome! Thank you. Happy Holidays."

So that's it. Gave me a boost that lasted most of the day.
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