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Old 05-09-2004, 09:25 PM   #1
It's a Twistah! A Twistah!
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 12
Originally posted by dar512

There's certainly a lot of anti-Christian attitude in some places (um here for instance). Doing anything that promotes Christianity or labels you a Christian can open you for pot shots.
Christians certainly get picked on, but many of them don't make it very easy for themselves; not only am I Christian, I am a born-again Christian...and can't for the life of me stand fanatical Christians. Bible thumpers, the ones who knock on the door at 8 am, the ones downtown yelling in the streets. I go by God, no questions asked...but I also know there are scores of people who don't, and I'd never, ever try to friggen convert anyone...the same as I expect no one to try to convert me. Sure, you may not agree with many of the belief systems that people practice...but that's their right.

In some cases, people bash Christians just because it seems "hip" (teenagers are good at this; they condemn things they hardly understand just because it's the "in" thing to which case I just laugh & pray for their unfortunate parents).
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