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Old 02-03-2017, 08:08 PM   #1708
Mountain Mule
Join Date: Jan 2017
Location: New Mexico
Posts: 148
Originally Posted by Pamela View Post
It was a horrific event that occurred in Bowling Green, KY sometime during Obama's first term in office. To the ever-lasting shame of the former president and the Democratic party it was quickly covered up by a Presidential gag order that cowed even Fox from reporting the story. But the truth shall set us free, and we now know that Bowling Green suffered a major terrorist attack second only to Santa Ana's attack on the Alamo (another battle where many Kentuckians fought and died, btw). While the citizens of Bowling Green fought back bravely, 1,000's were killed and many more were seriously injured. Homeland Security came to Bowling Green's aid too late to save the city from destruction. Many feel that the DHS was hamstrung by a secret ops move in which the CIA was a major player at the behest of Obama and Joe Biden. The real truth may take years to be revealed since the FBI put all Bowling Green survivors into a witness protection program somewhere deep in the Eastern Kentucky Mountains. Veterans of Bowling Green remain in a secret location that some claim is near Harlan County, drinking shine, learning how to play the banjo, and attending the bluegrass open mike night at the "You Ain't Nothing But a [expletive redacted] Lounge" in downtown Goldbug, KY.

Perhaps Mr. Gravdigr will be along to explain this to you further, since we don't get much reliable information here in New Mexico what with the illegals running most of our news and social media and using Spanish instead of English to explain alternative facts. These are dark days we now live in...
Gonna Carpe the fuck out of this Diem
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