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Old 05-11-2004, 03:50 PM   #15
lurkin old school
Join Date: Oct 2001
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So many people still think we invaded Iraq because of connections to Sept 11. No, thats the other war in Afghanistan. Remember the Taliban?, thats not Iraq. Osama is still running around.

We *now* say we attacked and invaded Baghdad to transform the Middle East by building, coercing, forcing if we must, a Democracy there. And to execute this grandiose and expensive plan those hungry for it jumped on the political climate of the US. We were ripe for manipulation, using fear and anger and misinformation. That makes me mad. Freedom fucking fries.

Looks like we've done wonders for Islamic terrorist recruiting.

Another cluster of damning oversites for Rumsfeld was his lack of briefing both the House and Senate defense committees, (or doing his job), at the meetings held just for such updates, the week that he knew CBS was running the images. (To say nothing of notifying Bush who expressed his cluelessness) Interesting to me how hard Rove came down hard on Rumsfeld. Karl doesnt like a media surprise, particularly in a campaign year.
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