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Old 05-12-2004, 11:24 AM   #5
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I dunno.

This seems to me to be a bad move on the part of the Iraqis.
Even though this small group of crazies doesn't represent the whole of Iraq, it does more to underline the abuses at Abu-Graib prison and show that although you may get humiliated by the Americans, the former operators would have done much worse to you.

Me, I'd rather be tortured by the Americans. I can wear panties on my head and get over it. But having a drill used on me, or other major damage that I may or may not survive, that's a little harder.

And we don't behead anyone. Especially in public for the evening news. We don't get into "revenge" killings either. Even though military retaliation sure looks like it sometimes.

What is it with Arabs in general and their need for revenge?

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