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Old 05-12-2004, 07:22 PM   #26
The future is unwritten
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The government in Germany prior to the war was the direct result of the Versailles treaty, it was an aberration which came to an end because of the Allies ranged against it, not because America won.
You’re absolutely right, DanaC. At Versailles, the British and primarily the french, were running the show, They extracted their pound of flesh, in the finest European tradition, which led directly to the rise of the Nazis and the rematch. At the end of WWII, however, the United States of America was clearly calling the shots, which led to a democracy in Germany and Japan.

You think Hiroshima was worth it? You dont think that might be described as a sledgehammer to crack a walnut?
What walnut are you referring to? Hiroshima? Was an a-bomb necessary to destroy Hiroshima? Hardly. The only reason Hiroshima was chosen is because we were running out of targets. Most of the cities had been destroyed and war production had been moved to hundreds of tiny hamlets throughout the countryside. Tiny machine shops in bamboo shacks turning out war materials in a steady stream, much like the Viet Cong did 30 years later.
Was dropping the a-bombs necessary? Abso-fucking-lutely! The point was not to destroy Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The point was to let the Emperor know that we could destroy Japan without invading. The Emperor was shielded from reality by the generals that refused to ever surrender. The only way Japan would give up, was if the Emperor told the Japanese people to quit. As long as the generals were telling the Emperor they could hold off a mainland invasion, by arming every man woman and child with the production from those tiny machine shops, we would have had to invade, at an estimated cost of over a million lives. Several hundred thousand of those lives being US soldiers and the rest Japanese. Remember the mass suicides on the Pacific islands we captured?
But of course your such an expert on the history of WWII, you knew all that.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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