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Old 04-14-2017, 05:55 AM   #11
The Un-Tuckian
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: South Central...KY that is
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April 14

Today is Good Friday, commemorating the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and his death at Calvary.

The Americas are celebrating Pan American Day today, commemorating the First International Conference of American States.


43 BC – Battle of Forum Gallorum: Mark Antony, besieging Caesar's assassin, Decimus Brutus, in Mutina, defeats the forces of the consul Pansa, but is then immediately defeated by the army of the other consul, Aulus Hirtius.

70 – Siege of Jerusalem: Titus, son of emperor Vespasian, surrounds the Jewish capital with four Roman legions (12,000 - 20,000 soldiers).

1294 – Temür, grandson of Kublai, is elected Khagan of the Mongols and Emperor of the Yuan dynasty with the reigning titles Oljeitu and Chengzong.

1434 – The foundation stone of Nantes Cathedral, in France is laid. The cathedral is completed 457 years later.

1561 – A Celestial phenomenon is reported over Nuremberg, described as an aerial battle.

1828 – Noah Webster copyrights the first edition of his dictionary.

1865 – U.S. President Abraham Lincoln takes in a show.

1881 – The Four Dead in Five Seconds Gunfight is fought in El Paso, Texas.

1890 – The Pan-American Union is founded by the First International Conference of American States in Washington, D.C.

1908 – Hauser Dam, a steel dam on the Missouri River in Montana, U.S., fails, sending a surge of water 25 to 30 feet (7.6 to 9.1 m) high downstream.

1912 – The "unsinkable" British passenger liner RMS Titanic hits an iceberg in the North Atlantic at 23:40 (she sinks morning of April 15th).

1939 – The Grapes of Wrath, by American author John Steinbeck is first published.

1944 – The freighter SS Fort Stikine, carrying a mixed cargo of cotton bales, gold and ammunition, exploded in the harbour in Bombay, India, sinking 13 surrounding ships and killing about 800 people, and wounding 2,400.

1986 – In retaliation for the April 5 bombing in West Berlin in which two U.S. servicemen were killed, U.S. president Ronald Reagan orders major bombing raids against Libya, killing 60 people.

1986 – The heaviest hailstones ever recorded (1 kilogram (2.2 lb)) fall on the Gopalganj district of Bangladesh, killing 92.

1994 – In a U.S. friendly fire incident during Operation Provide Comfort in northern Iraq, two United States Air Force aircraft mistakenly shoot-down two United States Army helicopters, killing 26 people.

1999 – A severe hailstorm strikes Sydney, Australia, dropping an estimated 500,000 tonnes of hailstones, causing A$2.3 billion in insured damages, the most costly natural disaster in Australian insurance history.

2003 – The Human Genome Project is completed with 99% of the human genome sequenced to an accuracy of 99.99%.

2014 – Two hundred seventy-six schoolgirls are abducted by Boko Haram in Chibok, Nigeria.


1629 – Christiaan Huygens, 1866 – Anne Sullivan (Helen Keller's teacher/companion), 1904 – John Gielgud, 1907 – François 'Papa Doc' Duvalier, 1925 – Rod Steiger, 1930 – Bradford Dillman, 1932 – Loretta Lynn♪ ♫, 1936 – Frank Serpico (subject of the Al Pacino movie Serpico), 1940 – Julie Christie, 1941 – Pete Rose(STILL holds MLB records for hits (4,256), games played (3,562), at-bats (14,053), singles (3,215), and outs (10,328)), 1945 – Ritchie Blackmore(Deep Purple, Rainbow, Blackmore's Night), 1948 – Berry Berenson (model/actress/wife of Anthony Perkins, died on AA Flight 11 when it hit the North Tower of the World Trade Center on Sept. 11), 1958 – Peter Capaldi (the 12th Doctor/Doctor Who), 1960 – Brad Garrett (Everybody Loves Raymond), 1961 – Robert Carlyle, 1967 – Barrett Martin(Screaming Trees), 1968 – Anthony Michael Hall, 1969 – Martyn LeNoble(Porno For Pyros), 1973 – Adrien Brody, 1977 – Sarah Michelle Gellar, 1996 – Abigail Breslin (Signs "There's a monster in my room, can I have a glass of water?")


1759 – George Frideric Handel, 1975 – Fredric March, 1995 – Burl Ives, 1999 – Ellen Corby ('Grandma Walton' on The Waltons), 1999 – Anthony Newley, 2000 – Phil Katz (co-created the zip file format), 2007 – Don Ho (sang "Tiny Bubbles"), 2010 – Peter Steele(Type O Negative), 2012 – Jonathan Frid ('Barnabas' on Dark Shadows), 2015 – Percy Sledge

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