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Old 04-25-2017, 07:15 AM   #41
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
In your first sentence, you say some people go into business for "reasons other than profit." Your words.

Therefore, businesses aren't always for profit. Obviously, the profit has to be part of it if they want to keep operating. But there can be other reasons.

I work at a law firm, and it was founded by the original partners as a place to be special compared to other law firms at the time. They wanted to surround themselves with special people who would work hard but also enjoy each other's company. Build a reputation. Make a decent place to work. The purpose of that business they made was to make a living, not to make a profit. They have all retired, and the "business is for profit" jerks have taken over running the place. It sucks now.
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