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Old 05-13-2004, 06:39 PM   #12
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lookout123 posted:
whether we went to iraq with good reason or not, that has been argued to death. the simple fact of the matter is that we ARE there. GWB called the war a victory far too soon.
Things have not yet gotten so bad that the US could not change course and solve this Iraqi mess. One indicator is that the Ayatollahs did not put support behind the cleric Sahd. So we still have enough influence to get out with a solution. But that means we must first have a solution. Something that cannot be found in the polictal principles of this administration. IOW first we need leadership change so that the little experts can be consulted and empowered. We know that the Iraqi experts even in America have been completely ignored by this administration. Administration instead has god's wisdom and god's choosen president.

Fundamental - an honest broker must be brought into Iraq. This is definitely not America. America has burned credibility that was so strong only four years ago. In fact, American credibility as an honest broker here has been destroyed in virutally every continent. To begin recovering that respect, first we must eliminate the problem - George Jr. We need help from the UN or something equivalent to get out of Iraq. An ideal situation would be to have US replaced by the Arab League. It is, after all, the best hope we have always had for stability in the Middle East - once you remove the poltical neo-con rhetoric of the Vulcans.

However the Arab League is having enough problem just agreeing among themselves on other more basic problems. In the short term, I don't see an alternative involving the Arab League. But then nobody expected the Serbs to concede in the Balkans either. Superb negotiations by Holbrook made the impossible possible. Many in the world have these abilities. But clearly no such skill exists in the current administration. Especially with a president that had to be taught by Dr Rice what is where in the world. Maybe Powell could have done it. But he has long been tarnished - no longer credibile in the eyes of so many world leaders. Remember when the Israelis invaded Jenin? Powell would travel around the Med consulting world leaders. President of Egypt said what every world leader said. "Why are you not in Jerusalem where the problem really exists?" Some leaders refuse to see him. After the lies in a speech before the UN on WMD, well, George Jr has destroyed Powell's credibility.

We know this. America has no sufficient respect in Iraq or within the entire world to solve this problem. Respect for America has deteriorated that much in but three years. Some outside force - an honest broker - is required to solve Iraq. Would China, Russia, Germany and Japan be considered honest enough to solve this mess. Yes. But would they have the resources and willpower to solve America's mess. We created it. We would have to pay major to get them to solve our problems. Americans don't know how much Iraq will really cost - but would complain about any payments - economic, politcal etc, to fix our stupidity. The public just could not comprehend the less expensive solution.

Again, America has no solution other than unilateral withdraw or outright concession and replacement by an honest broker power. Both are major concessions and political course changes that this George Jr administration is not capable of executing - yet alone comprehending. They being so right wing extremist rather than pragmatic. US must be displaced by someone that the Ayatollahs would respect. IOW our only hope lies in those Ayatollahs who have quite smartly out thought Geroge Jr. Not that out thinking George Jr is that difficult. Those Ayatollahs are the heart of any solution we have for gettting out of Iraq. They and only they have the final say as to who that honest broker will be.

Unfortunately, this George Jr administration still acts as if Iraq were some sort of prize - unwilling to admit they were wrong. Hell. George Jr could not even apologize for the torture and sexual abuse of prisoners in Abu Ghirad! We expect him to admit that the current Iraq is not working? It would mean he first has to think AND stop listening to right wing, politically inspired extremists. Just will not happen. There is no light at the end of that tunnel. Tunnel is blocked by Vulcans - those who believe political rhetoric is always right - pragmatism and world knowledge be damned.
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