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Old 05-18-2017, 10:17 AM   #172
henry quirk
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"Most of the stories have been substantiated numerous times over by multiple sources. They are unnamed only to the public. The newspapers know their names. If their names were shared, then they would stop talking freely."

I see...I should 'trust' the propagandists...cuz they're 'reporters', have 'ethics', are 'moral'. And the anons, I should 'trust' them too...cuz they offer up 'fact' while wearing a mask.

Mueller, with the wide scope of his lent power, may just put an end to all that unnamed sourcing...hell, he'll have to...the accused always gets to face his accuser in court.


"Papers like the Washington Post and NYT may slant their stories by their choice of words, but they don't make shit up."

When the Post printed that Comey wanted more resources for the 'Russia Investigation' and AD McCabe sez 'no, that didn't happen, we have adequate resources', what was that?

When some rag reported the DoJ's Rosenstein had a conniption and threatened to quit, and Rosenstein sez 'no that didn't happen', what was that?

Honest mistake, or propaganda...the Shadow knows (and soon, so will we, by way of Mueller).


"Like the sharing top secret info with the Russians story."

Trump's sin here is bein' knocked off-kilter, gettin' flustered, shootin' his mouth off. That, and bein' surrounded by (perhaps) well-intentioned advisors givin' him god-awful advice. He does sumthn' well within the scope of his office and he gets slammed, supposedly cuz he outted Israel...funny, I ain't heard one word of complaint from Netanyahu...mebbe cuz he'd given his blessing to that disclosure before hand?

I don't know...I'm thinkin' the press doesn't know either (but, damned straight, they will write stories claiming they do).

Understand, I'm not a Trump apologist...he was, as I explained elsewhere, the lesser of two evils to me (and still is)...if he done wrong, let that wrong be aired, proven, and dealt with, in court. This flaying away at him, this declaration -- subtle or gross -- of his guilt by folks who are supposed to convey fact, not color it, is small and wrong. I'll no more climb up on that haywagon than I will the other where all riders say Trump can do no wrong.

I'll applaude when he does good; condemn when his wrong-doing is proven...till then: this cheese stands alone.
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