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Old 05-26-2017, 07:32 AM   #11710
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 660
Today a dentist named Dr. Sager is making me very happy! He's in Bozeman, MT and I will be singing his praises for YEARS at this rate.

My "difficult" root canal turned out to be way worse than expected. The root of the tooth in question forks deep in the upper jaw bone, but the nerve canals in mine didn't follow the normal route. Turns out there was also a not-supposed-to-look-like-that partial THIRD nerve path connecting the forks! When he hit that part and it hurt, he put a Novocaine shot directly into my hard palate, not gums but the super-thin tissue on the roof of the mouth.

In under 24 hours I could no longer feel where that injection went in! He managed to get enough anesthetic into that terrifying spot for an injection without leaving any bruising--and I know there was Novocaine in the needle because the partial nerve path immediately went numb.

I'm approaching 72 hours out from the procedure. The bone around that extensive work no longer hurts AT ALL. And in a couple of weeks I get A REAL CROWN, since it turns out I have the fancy-a$$ Medicaid dental that doesn't put a cap on annual dental work costs and WILL pay for a porcelain crown or two a year.

Plus on the way back I got to visit the Mineral Museum at Montana Tech, where among other spectacular exhibits they have a full Siberian cave bear skeleton (his name's Boris)!
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