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Old 08-18-2017, 11:22 AM   #12
The Un-Tuckian
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: South Central...KY that is
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It's doing exactly what it says on the tin. You're over thinking it. I think. Everything is interesting...Look closer. But maybe not with a microscope.

It's just surprising things they sell a lot of in that state. It'd be plainer, I guess, if AZ's entry was winter parkas, I guess.

I take it that AZ's WalMarts sell a lot of toasters, compared to the nat'l average, and that therefore Arizonians really like toast, compared to the nat'l average. Not that they sell more toasters than anything.

It's not an especially valuable trove of info, I'll give ya that.

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Last edited by Gravdigr; 08-18-2017 at 11:29 AM.
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