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Old 05-17-2004, 04:23 PM   #11
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Originally posted by Happy Monkey
The press coverage of US casualties (with one notable exception) has gone down. We're halfway through May, and we're on track to not be as bad as April, but April was REALLY bad.
We also conceded control of some Shi'ite towns to Iraqis rather than try to force American will on those towns. Bremmer finally learned the lesson of Sze Tsu in 500 BC 'Art of War'. Don't disband the local powers and turn them into more enemies. It did not take a genius to understand that so well proven fact.

Bremmer is now rehiring the Baath party. In short, the American civilian leadership has suddenly conceded to history. Therefore American fatalities decreased. Amazing what happens when top management suddenly learns that reality if more important than political rhetoric. But then the retired military generals (speaking for the current military) were saying this for a long time. Generals are not ordered to attack Iraqi patriots - or what Rumsfeld calls terrorists.

But this will change. After all, they work for god's choosen president. Same one who would not let the military achieve the strategic objective in Afghanistan. Cheap shots that only the George Jr administration clearly deserves.

Last edited by tw; 05-17-2004 at 04:27 PM.
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